Environmental modelling: species distribution and transfer models in forestry under climate change
The event will be held at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic from 27th to 28th March 2019.
Workshop Environmental modelling: species distribution and transfer models in forestry under climate change is intended for students and researchers who are keen to get in touch with universal response function modelling in R, transnational delineation models of conservation and forest seed transfer in changing climate, as well as subsequent data analysis. There will be taken advantage of concurrently held action - SUSTREE meeting. Participating experts will act as keynote workshop speakers and lecturers. More information about SUSTREE project can be found on a webpage:
The workshop is FREE OF CHARGE, all other expenses (accommodation, food etc.) will be paid by participants right on the spot. Payment by credit and debit cards is almost everywhere possible but some pocket money in Czech crowns (CZK) is recommended.
Evoltree members may ask for refunds of expenses up to 600 EUR, more information on https://www.evoltree.eu/